Holy ship, February is almost over and I still have yet to pay my respects to the brothers and sisters out there. For many of us, Black History Month seems to glide by as briefly and inertly as the short 28 days it contains. Well I do so declare- not this year!
In considering what I could do as a mere music snob to show my support for the annual celebration, I looked upon an area of music that is often overlooked in black culture: the rock-metal spectrum. Many unspoken racial boundaries exist in the world of music, but these rank among the most pervasive: rap and hip-hop: black; rock and metal: white. Prolific rappers like Eminem and The Beastie Boys, in addition to a number of more recent recent talents, have proven the former bias false, but can the same be said of the other?
Abso-fricken-lutely. Black musicians have never been more prevalent in rock and metal scenes. On this post, and tomorrow's continuation, I'll feature twelve remarkable bands with black members who have either left an eduring impact on rock and metal or are in the midst of leaving their influential mark. Get ready for an ebony-ass kicking 'cause 1-6 are comin' at-cha!